Tile Flooring in Wellington, FL from Floor Specialists

Helpful tips to keep your porcelain tile floors clean

Tile floors will last up to 50 years and, since there's no place for dirt and dust to hide, sweeping or vacuuming them away is easy. Still, they will need a little TLC to keep them shiny and clean, so here are some tips from your #1 source for tile floors in Wellington, FL. Since porcelain and ceramic tiles are the most commonly chosen, we include recommendations that can be used for either tile type.

Develop a regular schedule

If you have a regular schedule, it will become somewhat automatic for you so that nothing will be forgotten. First, Sweep or Vacuum the Tile a couple of times a week (maybe more often if you have heavy foot traffic in the area.) Pay attention to the corners, where dirt and grime tend to pile up.

Then, mop with dish soap, white vinegar, or an all-in-one cleaner. Kitchens should be mopped every two weeks, bathrooms once a week. Change the water regularly, or you'll just be cleaning with--yuk!--dirty liquid. Microfiber is best because it "grabs on" to the dirt; many feel that sponges push the dirt around.

Now comes the grout

One of the biggest complaints we hear in our tile flooring showroom is how tough it is to clean grout. We get it!! But if you do it before the grime builds up, it won't be too bad. There are numerous grout cleaners on the market, so every few months, spray and wipe. Or, you can make a bleach solution; two tablespoons bleach per one-quart water. If you go with the bleach solution, wear gloves!

At Floor Specialists, we want your tile flooring to look great, perform well and last for a long time. For more information and a free quote, visit our showroom in Wellington, FL, convenient also to Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, Boca Raton, FL.